Sunday, February 26, 2012

“Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.”

This quotation is quite motivational, as well as it is true. It is said that the people who are successful are not the ones that are the smartest or the most talented, but the people that work the hardest.

A great example of this is musical theatre. You may be a very talented singer and a naturally gifted dancer, but the people that continue to find work are the ones that constantly strive to do better and take lessons to improve on the skills that they already have. Many people take their gifts and talents for granted and do not strive for perfection (which, in my opinion, can never truly be obtained but it is not a bad standard for one to set for themself).

Another great example of this is none other than Thomas Edison himself (who originated this quotation). He was very hard working and never accepted failure as an excuse or an answer. While attempting to create the light bulb, he tried and was unsuccessful about 1,000 times. When people would ask him about it he would say, “I have not failed. I've just found 1,000 ways that won't work.” It’s not about ideas. It is about making ideas happen.
On a personal level, this quote (“Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration”) is inspiring and motivational. It also explains why Thomas Edison has experienced success and why many others that follow this principal life style experience it as well. All-in-all, it leads me to believe that the general consensus for why people are so successful has nothing to do with people that happen to be lucky or incredibly talented, but because they work hard every day at what they are passionate about.

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